Friday, February 11, 2011

foreclosure victims

bench craft company

Delmonico's Building by Emilio Guerra

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

Delmonico's Building by Emilio Guerra

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company bench craft company
bench craft company

Delmonico's Building by Emilio Guerra

bench craft company
bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

President Obama unveiled his massive program in order to assist homeowners now in threat of foreclosure throughout the nation. There is only one difficulty with all the bells and whistles both he and the media have attempted to place on this "rescue." Simply a case of too little, too late.

The American public by and large has been scared off homeownership and entering into any new debt due to the uncertainly of this economy at the present time. The former owner of homes which were foreclosed upon during the past two years as this crisis has continued now have credit ratings that preclude them from even renting an apartment, much less purchasing another home. The only ones who have profited from this past two years have been the banks, banking executives and foreclosure industry itself (See my prior article on Countrywide's former executives new career in partnership with the Treasury Department under the terms of the September bank "bailout"). These banks were and have been making money hand over fist due to most of the terms of the loans for these foreclosed properties, not bankrupted by them. How so, you say, since this banking crisis has been so promoted by both Washington and the media? As one who was affected by this crisis due to a refinanced loan taken out due to the escalating costs of my "ownership" in property taxes, insurance, and increasingly restrictive and industry favoring state statutes in Arizona with respect to homeowners associations and their powers over my property ownership and rights, the spins have left me breathless.

These "subprime loans" and teaser rates also did not come without a cost, which most forget. Included within them were added points, and higher down payments in order to get this "creative" funding in almost every instance. While the banks are being portrayed as the victims, and outraging the clueless American public, much is left out in the reporting. Also, these loans were resold on the secondary market as investments, so those banks secured those undermarket rates through Wall Street in their offerings. The banks were and are out nothing, and whatever they get for them now at foreclosure sales is simply more gravy. Gravy which they can then turn around and feed their local state or federal legislator come next election time.

So all you Americans who are buying the Washington and media propaganda, there is another agenda at work here in attempting to turn Americans against each other and point the fingers at your fellow countrymen rather than where it belongs.

Corrupted politicians, and a federal government gone beserk with it's power rather than protecting it's citizenry against corporate special interests. Collusion with those banks in marketing these mortgages at what is nothing more than "loan shark" rates as loans for home ownership, rather than simply foreclosure contracts with excessive interest rates, and over the top restrictive terms in the use of those properties and ownership. Many are states in which the only new homes you can purchase are those that come attached with restrictive use rights in so much as changing them in any manner from the date of sale, or even upgrading those properties without resulting in a lawsuit with either the banks or the homeowner's associations which now have more power than the banks due by state statutes with respect to foreclosures. Painting your house the wrong color can result in a court case that strips you of all your equity, in addition to your home in those states now with the highest foreclosure rates.

Don't buy the spins. Speak with the owners who have lost their homes, and find out the true facts that both the media, and Washington, are failing to mention.

And for all the monies that Obama is throwing, it is clear that most of his interest is in stimulating home sales for "new buyers." And after the last two years alone, thousands of citizens will not be so naive or stupid as to sign on that dotted line anytime in the future, even if they were able to at this point.

Obama's going to need more than throwing money around, and a good speech and sales pitch, to get many Americans back into the home buying market. And just how many investors are there in this country that will buy up these properties now also, with no guarantee of their ability to find a buyer in the immediate future.

I know they are advertising Arizona foreclosed properties for sale now in the Illinois local papers. I wonder how soon it will be before they are advertising "globally," at the banker's behest in order to get more bang for their buck after destroying the American economy?

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